Alchemy Mindworks The Ultimate Screen Clock v2.0a38 英文正式版(桌上型時鐘軟體)
Ultimate Screen Clock是一款整合複雜圖形的桌上型時鐘。
The Ultimate Screen Clock will
integrate an attractive graphic
clock with your Windows desktop. You
can configure the appearance of your
clock, selecting from a library of
digital and analog clock styles ?or
you can design your own.
One of the most powerful features of
The Ultimate Screen Clock is its Net
Time option. It can be configured to
set your system clock to the
accuracy of an atomic time standard
by accessing one of its
Internet-based time servers.
The Ultimate Screen Clock also
includes a sophisticated reminder
feature to notify you of important
Alchemy Mindworks Corporation The Ultimate Screen Clock v2 0a36 英文正式版(整合複雜圖形的桌上型時鐘軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks The Ultimate Screen Clock v2.0a37 英文正式版(整合複雜圖形的桌上型時鐘軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks The Ultimate Screen Clock v2.0a39 英文正式版(時鐘軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Calendar Wizard v2.0a34 英文正式版(月曆軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Calendar Wizard v2.0a28 英文正式版(自動製作列印月曆軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Pagan Daybook 3 v5.0a23 英文正式版(日曆軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Pagan Daybook 3 v5.0a21 英文正式版(日曆軟體)